HBOT dives Day 1
On September 21st, 2015, I started a series of 40 hyperbaric oxygen therapy dives. Sept. 21: Today will be my 1st dive. I arrived at the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of…
On September 21st, 2015, I started a series of 40 hyperbaric oxygen therapy dives. Sept. 21: Today will be my 1st dive. I arrived at the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of…
Oxygen Instead of Medication
Daily there are 22 to 30 Veterans dying by suicide and many believe these are completely voluntary acts. Many say suicide is a cowardly act and I say these people do not know the facts behind these suicides.
Currently the protocol used by the VA for treating Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the use of psychotropic drugs. Since a TBI is a physical injury of the brain, why would they use psychotropic drugs for the treatment of that injury? Treating a TBI with psychotropic drugs makes as much sense as treating a broken leg with the same drugs, both are physical injuries and neither is going to have positive results from the drugs. (more…)
Helping Marine SSgt James Carey along his way to recovering from a training accident that left him blind with severe neuromuscular damage caused from a near drowning during the training…
Requiring the Veteran to prove exposures based on what is in the medical record is criminal and is the single source for the benefit backlogs. This is the MAJOR problem…