HBOT dives day 54
Nov 13: Today was my 40th dive with 2 other divers. Today was my last dive for the recommended treatment program for a TBI. The dive was pretty much routine…
Nov 13: Today was my 40th dive with 2 other divers. Today was my last dive for the recommended treatment program for a TBI. The dive was pretty much routine…
Nov 12: Today was my 39th dive with 1 other diver. As my program comes to an end and as I listen to friends tell the incredible changes they are…
Nov 11: Happy Veterans Day and today was my 38th dive with 3 other divers. It was very interesting and dramatic to watch one of the diver’s skin color change…
Sept 22: Today I started my 2nd dive at 0800, there were two additional “divers” there with me and as we started the compression I had some trouble with equalizing…
On September 21st, 2015, I started a series of 40 hyperbaric oxygen therapy dives. Sept. 21: Today will be my 1st dive. I arrived at the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of…
The founder of Team Veteran Foundation is a survivor of a near fatal Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and underwent emergency brain surgery 11/5/2002. I had a venous subdural hematoma and…